Friday, January 18, 2013

Dreaming of: DIY Play Kitchens

I really, really, really want to build Logan a kitchen for Chanukah. I know...I am a year early in my planning and I haven't even purchased his birthday present yet, but I really want to do this. Problem is, I'm not so good with power tools. I don't own any or know how to use them....and I am the crafter one in this house when it comes to this (I bet my husband doesn't even know what a wet saw is.) You need a surround sound system wired? I'm your girl. You need Ikea furniture build? I can do it...but actually making my own piece of furniture makes me want to hid in the bathtub.


Here is the thing though, I have vocalized my desire to do this to quite a few people now. My husband, my mom, my sister-in-law, my handy man (because I am not capable of wall mounting a TV or regrouting the outside stone work.) - they all look at me like I am crazy. My mother-in-law actually yelled at me and told me I take on too many projects, while my husband nervously nodded his head in agreement after I had earlier asked a relative if they owned a miter saw.

Now you would think that with all signs pointing to NO, I would get this idea out of my head. Except that when people tell me NO...I just want to do it even more. While I continue to hem and haul over if I should buy him this lovely KidKraft Kitchen that would look great in my basement or this Hape Kitchen which is charmingly made of wood...I still drift back to the following images and dream that I too can be as handy as these fine DIYers.

1. Small and Friendly

DIY play kitchen

Seriously - it has a backsplash!!!

DIY play kitchen

I like a spacious kitchen, it gives Logan more room to play. Love the lines on it too - minus the dress skirt - he is a boy!

DIY play kitchen young house love

Simple + Pretty + Young House Love = Perfection.

4. N/A

DIY play kitchen

I'm pretty sure this kitchen is nicer than my kitchen. It freaking has a working light!

DIY play kitchen

That is a marble countertop. MARBLE. For a child. Ridiculous - and beautiful.

So after those images I really want to do this for Logan. But then again...

Help!! Should I or Shouldn't I? Decisions, decisions...

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