Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Toy Review: Little Tikes Activity Walker

As I mentioned in this post yesterday, Logan is becoming a champ at walking with push along toys. The one I'm reviewing today was featured in both videos - which is why you might find my review a little surprising.

Lets start with the look of it. I'm a little confused - He is a nature lover or a postman? It seems like they went half in for each theme. I like the mail cart idea of it, Logan loves to remove the letters and put them in the slots but then why the bugs? The bugs are the part that do the most actually, but logan is interested in them at all - except for the little bee on top.

toy review little tikes activity walker

As for the make well - it's light weight and easy for Logan to maneuver, but the drawers are very off. Whenever he sticks in anything in the slot other than the letters, the bottom drawer flops open. It is an odd design too because the "drawers" are covering one long slot - so the item you put on the green falls to the bottom of the blue space instead of being two separate spots. It is just weird - apparently Logan thinks so too because he is constantly pulling the drawers off - a little too easily I might add.

toy review little tikes activity walker
It is a surprisingly strong piece for hold him though, he pulled himself to standing on it frequently without it toppling over, but when walking time comes around it lists slowly to the left - could that be Logan? I don't think so, but he tries to walk in a straight line and it always ends up hitting the furniture. Maybe it is Logan but I'm not totally sure. 

toy review little tikes activity walker

Anyway, Logan loves to push it around - not because of what it is, but because he is walking. He rarely plays with any part of it, like he does his other push along toys, but then again, he doesn't always push them around. Logan gives it 4 stars. I give it 2 - because it did function, but at the same price and more interesting design, I would put my money on Fisher-Price Bright Beginnings Activity Walker or for more - my personal favorite and a future birthday present I think - Hape Wonder Walker. The Wonder walker is on our list because of the wagon compartment. I think Logan will be using this to haul blocks to the construction site or pick up food at the grocery story during his pretend play years.

Any one else have a good activity walker? 

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